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Fitness & Weightloss - How to stay motivated

The best way to lose weight and keep it off is by exercising. You can do so much for your health in the process of working out. This includes building up muscle that burns more calories at rest or reducing bloat caused by excess fluid retention due to both physical activities as well stress - all without feeling like you're struggling too hard!

We make many excuses when trying to find reasons not to exercise. These include the weather being too hot or cold, lack of time/energy (or both), and more!

Despite wanting to give in on your fitness goals by saying, "I'll just lose weight later," there might still be plenty holding you back: It's been raining all week long, so no outdoor activities today ... the list goes on.

It's a tough pill to swallow, but you know that 30 minutes of running or doing HIIT will do wonders for your physical and mental health. But somehow, it just doesn't motivate you enough on those days when all we want is an excuse as good as any other not to work out!

It's easy to get frustrated when things aren't going your way. It feels like no matter what you do, nothing changes, and the same old problems keep popping up over again - but take heart! You're not alone; many people experience these thoughts too, which means there may be significant adjustments in life needed before tackling fitness goals once more (like maybe learning how awesome being active can feel).

It's understandable if you feel like exercising isn't the best idea on days when your work has been stressful. You might also be too tired from all of this stress, and that would make any physical activity seem like an impossible task! But there are other reasons people shouldn't skip their workout: even just one can have lasting adverse effects on our mental health over time - so don' give up hope entirely; instead, find some relaxing ways to spend less energy than working out.

When you're feeling exhausted, it can be challenging to find the motivation for a workout. But watching your favorite TV show or movie may help get some of that drive back and keep in shape while doing so! That doesn't mean binge-watching Netflix is okay, though - on the contrary. We've found other ways not just to watch but also exercise when life puts us down (whether by choice or circumstance).


Learn how to talk yourself up instead of tearing yourself down.

You might not like to exercise, but you should try talking yourself into it. A study published in the European Journal of Social Psychology found that when people talked as though they were speaking with a third party - instead of just themselves- their attitude towards going on walks significantly improved!

Second-person self-talk is more effective at strengthening actual behavior performance and prospective behavioral intentions than first-person. Unfortunately, this means that if you're looking to improve your life, it's time for some tough love!

"You need discipline," says Dr. Stephen Garcia from Washington State University in Spokane. "It can be hard work, but the rewards are worth every bit." He also found out second Person Self Talk makes us feel like we have control over our lives which helps motivate people even further.

Why you should think about exercising as a hobby, not a chore.

It may sound counterintuitive, but getting out for a run or hitting the gym can be motivating if you're not in shape. On the other hand, it could just do what's needed to get your mind off of anything else- whether it's new music that inspires and motivates. Pictures from our scenic jogging path remind us how beautiful this world is (and why we should take time every day); listening while working at home means being surrounded by all kinds of fitness activity videos online 24/7!

Make training more fun.

Hate training? Bundling your workout with an activity you want to do can make the pain disappear. This couples "instantly gratifying 'want' activities" like playing video games or watching TV shows, which require less willpower than other forms of exercise such as running on a treadmill at home. Working out provides long-term benefits but requires effortful endurance, all while still getting some fun time outside!

You can have your favorite tunes and an indulgent activity simultaneously! If you love listening to music for hours on end but think it's too much of a good thing when others do so as well - load up something else such as playlists or albums with songs that will keep mood stable during exercise. Then, bundle them together under one moniker: exercising for those who enjoy reading audiobooks guilt-free novels (or anything else).

Workout buddy - train together and reach your fitness goals faster.

Keeping yourself motivated to exercise can be difficult, but it just got easier with this fantastic find. Researchers at Stanford University School Of Medicine found that people were 200%more likely to work out if they had someone else who worked alongside them! Furthermore, this research shows that training in the presence of a fitter friend will cause you to push yourself harder and longer than if they were alone because their example inspires imitation, which leads us to think about what kind of lifestyle changes we want for ourselves!

"The saying 'You are average only when surrounded by equals' really holds here." "Imagine how much more confident I feel knowing there's someone else out there who feels exactly as bad (or better).

Compete against yourself - become more competitive.

The human need for competition has been around since we were cavemen. Nowadays, it's not uncommon to see people posting their fitness goals on social media and challenging others with hashtags like #unboxathon or even just cheering one another up when struggling! So if you're feeling emulation- stagnant in your training routine, then adding a little bit of Twitter chat can help push yourself forward towards achieving those elusive PR's (Personal Records).

You can be more motivated to perform well in a workout or competition if you see other people's achievements. For example, a study found that seeing others' running performances on social media platforms increased the desire for one's performance, whether they had planned on ranking high during marathons and just wanted faster times than their trainers recognized as personal bests.

Indulge in a little friendly competition with your friends on social media. A study published by the Preventive Medicine Reports revealed that healthy competitors rather than support make people more inclined to exercise for their fitness goals when blogging or posting pictures online!

Don't forget to reward yourself.

You know that feeling when you finally get your workout clothes, and they feel like the right fit? That's what we're talking about here. Of course, the reward system should be tangible, so it's easier to commit, but it also comes with an idea of self-love because no one likes being told "no" all day long!

If consistency is needed for true rewards like a better figure or feeling healthier every day, it may be time to find an accountability partner who can help keep those negative thoughts at bay!

Join an online fitness group.

If you don't like exercising alone or think buying a monthly gym membership is too long-term for now, try out some short-term commitments. Buy yourself single passes to various classes such as cycling class so that when it comes a time, commit indefinitely - get your foot in the door!

Group exercise classes are a great way to get accountability partners and work out with different people. Plus, when you try one of these groups, it might just help your workout come together!